Trailers DG 21219Optimised

NMI Approved Metering System for Resale

Some of our customers require that the dispensing system is equipped and verified for resale of prod - uct. See below a dispensing system fitted with a Liquid Controls flow meter and other requirements to achieve this. This allows direct and legal sale of fuel wherever required - for example fighting fires.

Dispensing System for Diesel Engine-powered Pump with Liquid Controls M5 flow meter certified to NMI Standard to allow resale of fuel from trailer.


Our tanks are designed and built by AFSE in Tamworth, NSW. Fully compliant for avia - tion fuel use, the tank is designed and built to have the following features:

Built from 5mm aluminium sheeting. Alumini- um is safe to use in direct contact with aviation fuel, with no need for interior lining that can chip or flake, making it maintenance free. Elliptical cross-section increases strength, minimises sloshing during transit, and requires fewer welds than a rectangular tank. Fitted with an all-in-one hatch system, con- taining pressure and vacuum vent, fill and dip ports, inspection hatch with emergency vent - with all points able to be locked. Full-length bottom seam creates a natural low point to the water collection sump. Supplied with a calibrated dipstick. Spring-loaded mounting brackets isolate the tank from any chassis flex, minimizing the chances of warping, cracking, and leaks. Two internal baffles add strength and mini - mise sloshing. Full-length coaming protects hatches in the event of rollover. Fitted with lift points to easily lift empty tank off trailer.

Australian Fuelling Systems & Equipment 7 - 11 Armstrong Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 E: sales - Ph: 1800-025 869 - Intl: +61 2 67607816 21219

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