eCatalogue General 80515
Fuel Equipment .com Custom fuelling solutions
Fuel Equipment .com Custom fuelling solutions
Fill-Rite Flow Meters
Piusi Flow Meters
$189.00 + GST
SKU 053320 K33 Mechanical 25mm Flow Meter Designed to measure the exact quanti- ty of dispensed liquid (fuel or lubricant) for non commercial use. Reliable, economical and easy to install and calibrate on site. Also gravity functional thanks to reduced resistance to flow. Mod. K33, 3 digit partial totals (max 999 litres), 6 digit totals. 1” BSP fxf
$459.00 + GST
SKU: 050403 Fill-Rite model FR901 38mm Higher Capacity Industrial Model. Features 40mm BSP female connections with removable flanges for ease of installation and service. 23 - 152 litres per minute flow range. Plus/minus 2% accuracy within flow range Calibration adjusting bypass screw SKU: 050407 Fill-Rite FR807 25mm flow meter. No strainer for use in pump sys- tems etc. Flow range 23-76 lpm with +/- 1% accuracy Max 50 psi pressure 3 digit reset- table register, 6 digit non-resettable register. 25mm (f) ports Calibration adjusting bypass screw SKU: 050401 Fill-Rite FR806L 25mm Flow Meter This model is supplied with integral strainer with removable basket, ideal for overhead tank installa- tions. Flow range 23-76 lpm with +/- 1% accuracy Max 50 psi pressure 3 digit reset- table register, 6 digit non-resetta- ble register. 25mm (f) ports Calibration adjusting bypass screw
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Fill-Rite Flowmeter FR901L1.5 - 38mm
Piusi K33 25mm Flow Meter
$329.00 + GST
$239.00 + GST
SKU 053325 K24 Digital flow meters for low-viscosity fluids. Easy to install, in line or at the end of a delivery pipe, Aluminum (K24) or reinforced poly- amide (plastic version) body. Polypropylene turbine. Impulse-type signals: single channel, reed switch. Electronic card with LCD display: 5-digit partial from 0.1 to 99999, 6-digit total from 1 to 999999 Resettable total available. Flow rate indication. Repeatability 0.2 %. Loss of pressure < 0.03 bar at 120 l/min. Can be calibrated. Powered by two AAA batteries. 1” BSP mxf SKU 053309 K24 ATEX/IECEx New meter for accurate measuring of the quantity dispensed within private applications (gasoline, kerosene, die- sel), meets the ATEX/IECEx require- ments, related to the use of materials in potentially explosive atmospheres. Aluminum body. Impulse-type signals: single channel, reed switch. Electronic card with LCD display: 5-digit partial from 0.1 to 99999, 6-digit total from 1 to 999999 Resettable total available.
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Fill-Rite Flowmeter FR807CL - 25mm
Piusi K24 Digital 25mm Flow Meter
$349.00 + GST
$549.00 + GST
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Flow rate indication. Repeatability 0.3 %. 1” BSP mxf
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Fill-Rite Flowmeter FR806CL - 25mm with strainer
Piusi K24EX1 Digital 25mm Flow Me- ter fo Flammable Liquids
For use with ULP, AvGas, JET-A1
FUELLING Systems & Equipment Australian
FUELLING Systems & Equipment Australian
Australian Fuelling Systems & Equipment PO Box 7162 NEMSC 2348 7-11 Armstrong Street Tamworth 2340 Ph: +61 2 6760 7816 Fax: +61 2 6760 7826 www .fuel
Australian Fuelling Systems & Equipment PO Box 7162 NEMSC 2348 7-11 Armstrong Street Tamworth 2340 Ph: +61 2 6760 7816 Fax: +61 2 6760 7826 www .fuel
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