eCatalogue General 80515
Fuel Equipment .com Custom fuelling solutions Australian Fuelling Systems & Equipment offers comprehensive after sales service, parts supply and warranty to all products and services that we sell. When requesting spares or warranty ser- vice please have your purchase details available (Invoice/receipt number and date) We’re really big on backing up the products that we sell but not so much doing the same for products from resellers that won’t offer after sales service. We have a dedicated service department with highly trained personnel, two service vehicles and fully equipped workshop for fuel tanker repairs & certifications. We carry out meter calibrations & certifications at retails sites as well as high volume truck meters. We pride ourselves on knowing our products, how they work and what product will do what you want it to do best. We will also offer guidance on pump/product compatibility and suitability by way of viscosity, pressure and class. Warranty, Parts & Service
Fuel Equipment .com Custom fuelling solutions Configure your Product Our website has one awesome advantage - you can choose just what comes with your new pump system - you can pick and choose things like hose length, nozzle type, whether or not you want a flow meter or swivel or filter..............and have the adjusted total price visble to you at all times so that you can make yes or no decisions. Not everyone’s needs are met with the standard issue equipment - in fact we have several pallets of 3.6m delivery hoses that we’ve had to remove from pumps to fit longer hoses to suit custom- er’s requirements.
This button will take you to the pertinent product page within our website where more information is available and the ability to download a comprehensive bro- chure at the “download brochure” tab.
More Information
Aviation self-bunded 44 - 45 Diesel self-bunded 6 - 7 Transport 46 - 47 Diesel single skinned 26 - 27 Diesel self-bunded 28 - 29 Aviation refuelling 30 - 31 Dog for Diesel/ULP 41 Service 36 - 39
Goldenrod 8 - 9 Cim-Tek 14 - 15
Flow Meters
Flow meters
Fill-Rite 12 Piusi 13 Fuel Management 42 Fuel/Service Trucks 33 - 35 Fuel Tankers 32 Helicopter Refuel System 40 Hose assemblies 24 Hose reels 21 Nozzles 22 - 23 Pumps
Bare pump
Flow meters
Prices All prices in this catalogure are valid until stocks are exhausted or until 30th June 2015 If you want quotation for multiple buys or other equipment please call 1800-025 869
What to do ....... within this eCatalogue just click on the button as shown right - this will then immediately start the configuration page showing selectable (and de-selectable) op- tions which can be fitted to the system. You can then choose and unchoose each option to see effect on price. Once you have arrived at exactly what you want - you can then proceed to the checkout and complete the purchase.
Piusi 16 - 19 Fill-Rite 10 - 11 Macnaught 25
Click here to Configure
FUELLING Systems & Equipment Australian
FUELLING Systems & Equipment Australian
Australian Fuelling Systems & Equipment PO Box 7162 NEMSC 2348 7-11 Armstrong Street Tamworth 2340 Ph: +61 2 6760 7816 Fax: +61 2 6760 7826 www .fuel
Australian Fuelling Systems & Equipment PO Box 7162 NEMSC 2348 7-11 Armstrong Street Tamworth 2340 Ph: +61 2 6760 7816 Fax: +61 2 6760 7826 www .fuel
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