eCatalogue General 80515
Fuel Equipment .com Custom fuelling solutions
Fuel Equipment .com Custom fuelling solutions
Fuel Hose Assemblies SKU: 063501 Hose assembly, rubber with male 1” BSP fittings. 20mm id x 4m length
$65.00 + GST
$549.00 + GST
SKU 020116 GT RAPIDFLO™ is a rotary action pump suitable for trans- ferring diesel, ULP, aviation fuels, kerosene & light oils (up to SAE30). The RAPIDFLO™ is capable of trans- fer rates of 800ml per revolution (up to 100L/min depending on viscosity) from 60 - 205L drums and tanks.
063501 Fuel delivery hose assembly 4m x 20mm with 1” male ends
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$85.00 + GST
SKU: 063505 Hose assembly, rubber with male 3/4” BSP fittings. 20mm id x 4m length
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063505 Fuel delivery hose assembly 4m x 20mm with 3/4” male ends
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$109.00 + GST
SKU: 063503 Hose assembly, rubber with male 1” BSP fittings. 25mm id x 5m length
$499.00 + GST
SKU 020109 LITRESTROKE ™ is a hand operated, lever action action piston pump for dispensing diesel, kerosene, ULP and light oils (up to SAE30) from 60L - 205L drums or tanks. The LITRESTROKE™ delivers 1L per stroke and up to to 40L/min which makes it suitable for most com- mon fuel transfer application.
063503 Fuel delivery hose assembly 5m x 25mm with 1” male ends
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$129.00 + GST
SKU: 063504 Hose assembly, rubber with male 1” BSP fittings. 25mm id x 6m length
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063504 Fuel delivery hose assembly 6m x 25mm with 1” male ends
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$29.00 + GST
SKU: 061502 Hose assembly, rubber with male 1” BSP fittings. 25mm id x 3.6m length
$119.00 + GST
SKU 010202 K29 FLEXIGUN® So, What’s different about the new FLEXIGUN®? It’s all in the valving. The classic Flexigun incorporates a unique ‘one way inlet’ assembly to al- low increased grease pressure through short strokes. This new feature allows grease freer movement from the cartridge to the pressure chamber so promotes faster recovery between strokes. What does this mean? It means you still get the unique pressure build func- tion with short strokes but if its volume you need in a hurry, the NEW improved FLEXIGUN® right there with you.
Original Fill-Rite Component
061502 Fuel delivery hose assembly 3.6m x 25mm with 1” male ends
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$49.00 + GST
SKU: 203705 Dual plane fuel swivel with 25mm BSP connections MxF SKU: 203701 Dual plane fuel swivel with 20mm BSP connections MxF
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$39.00 + GST
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FUELLING Systems & Equipment Australian
FUELLING Systems & Equipment Australian
Australian Fuelling Systems & Equipment PO Box 7162 NEMSC 2348 7-11 Armstrong Street Tamworth 2340 Ph: +61 2 6760 7816 Fax: +61 2 6760 7826 www .fuel
Australian Fuelling Systems & Equipment PO Box 7162 NEMSC 2348 7-11 Armstrong Street Tamworth 2340 Ph: +61 2 6760 7816 Fax: +61 2 6760 7826 www .fuel
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