Trailers DG 21219Optimised

Refined over years of experience and customer input, our registrable, DGA trailers are based on the needs of professional aircraft operators around Australia – and the world. These Dangerous Goods Approved trailers can be towed by standard vehicles but requires the driver to have a Dangerous Goods drivers licence, making mobile refuelling accessible to aeroclubs, professional helicopter pilots and other light aircraft operators who are looking to increase their flexibility, and reduce their dependence on an airfield or helipad. A Range of Aviation Refuelling Trailers

Tank and Trailer

Our signature elliptical tank is crafted from aluminium alloy. The elliptical shape has been carefully designed by AFSE to mini- mise sloshing, maximise strength, and requires fewer welds to assemble than a rectangular tank. The centred lower seam forms a natural lowpoint for sumping, without the need for a separately fabricated sump box. Aluminium is inherently safe to use in direct contact with avia- tion fuel, without the need for expensive painted linings that can chip, flake, and invite rust on carbon steel tanks. Without the need for constant inspection, draining, de-gassing, and relining, an aluminium tank is practically maintenance free.

The tank and chassis are joined with factory-calibrated shock absorbing mounts, isolating the tank from chassis flex, preventing fatigue cracks and leaks. Like our tanks, our trailer chassis are designed and built in-house, tailor made for our tanks and pumpsets from square-section painted carbon steel or bare stainless steel. Off-road ready Landcruiser hubs, Sunraysia wheels, and leaf spring suspension ensures your trailer can get wherever its need- ed. Electrical connection is via a 12-pin plug, and an integrated electronic break-away brake-safe system stops your trailer in the event of a separation from the towing vehicle.

Chassis Details: Our trailers are built to hold the tanks they’re meant to carry – not adapted from existing designs. Heavy duty frame made from high-tensile, rect- angular hollow section steel for strength. 2-pack epoxy paint finish provides long-term protection against rust. Twin-axle, rocker-roller type leaf spring suspen- sion for maximum stability. Sunraysia steel wheels on Landcruiser hubs are rugged, and easy to repair or replace Fixed drawbar for strength, and to provide dedi- cated space for pumpset away from the dispens- ing equipment, in compliance with DGA stan- dards. Brake-safe trailer breakaway, with dedicated battery, automatically applies brakes and turns on brake lights in the event of trailer becoming separate from the towing vehicle. Standard 12-pin trailer plug. 50mm ball trailer hitch.

View of Underside of Completed Trailer

Australian Fuelling Systems & Equipment 7 - 11 Armstrong Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 E: sales - Ph: 1800-025 869 - Intl: +61 2 67607816 21219

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